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#卓上打算機 新井語録5 リンク集1 リンク集2

"Let's make a climax. All of my friends. Burn Up !!"

Takujou-Dasanki [http://arai.luminet.jp/index.html]
Written in HTML4.01strict or XHTML1.1.
Encoded by Shift_JIS or iso-8859-1.
Rumiko TAKAHASHI's work Fan Site by Satoshi ARAI.
Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Satoshi ARAI. All Rights Reserved.
You can turn to English edition of this site.
Feel free to link to this site from yours.
Thank you ! and Good Luck !

卓上打算機 Takujou-Dasanki




Satoshi ARAI ( arai@luminet.jp ), ICQ=67865315.

るみくる ぴよバナ るみまが ぴよナビ るみナビ Random Link

[Rumic World WebRing] [前,表,次], [Rumic WebRing] [前,表,次]


#Cnv Tms Gds Prf Lg1 Lg2 Lg3 Lg4 Lg5 Lnk FAQ Etc

"Let's make a climax. All of my friends. Burn Up !!"

Takujou-Dasanki [http://arai.luminet.jp/index.htm]
Written in HTML4.01strict or XHTML1.1.
Encoded by Shift_JIS or iso-8859-1.

Rumiko TAKAHASHI's work Fan Site by Satoshi ARAI.
Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Satoshi ARAI. All Rights Reserved.
You can turn to Japanese edition of this site.
Feel free to link to this site from yours.
Thank you ! and Good Luck !

Takujou-Dasanki ( Takujou-Dasanki )

Conventions*, Thesis, Collections***, Profile**, Log1, Log2, Log3,
Log4, Log5, Links*, FAQ*, Etc.


Japan is the cradle of the Rumic. Nevertheless, interaction with the
foreign countries has not been so prosperous. In Japan, the fan of the
sufficient number to interact each other within the countory has been
exist, and we use only Japanese extensively. We didn't need
interaction with the foreign countries. But, I think it important to
interact with fans abroad.

After japanese edition is completed, I shall translate these into
English. Now, Japanese edition has 6 megabyte or more text about

As I use Japanese extensively, an E-mail by Japanese or English which
is easy to translate shall be Welcomed.

Satoshi ARAI ( arai@luminet.jp )
Satoshi ARAI ( arai@luminet.jp )