


Good morning.( おはよう ).

Good afternoon.( こんにちは ).

Good evening.( こんばんは ).

How do you do.( はじめまして ).

It is a long time.( 久しぶりですね ).

How are you ?( お元気ですか? ).

I am fine.( 私は元気です ).

I already have to leave here.( もう退室しなければなりません ).

Let's talk again.( またお話しましょう ).

Thank you for talking.( お話してくれてありがとう ).

Good bye.( さようなら ).

I'm ARAI Satoshi.( 新井さとしです ).

My age is secret.( 私の年齢は秘密です ).

Probably, I am the oldest.( 多分、私が最年長です ).

Please call me Sato-chan, as before.( 今まで通り、さとちゃんとお呼び下さい ).

<a href="http://arai.luminet.jp/index.htm" target="blank">My WebSite</a> (私のウェブサイト).

I already have to leave here. I hope to talk with you again. Thank you and Good Luck ! ( もう退室しなければなりません。またお話できる機会があるといいですね。ありがとう。)


As We use Japanese extensively, an Text by Japanese or English which is easy to translate shall be Welcomed.( 私達は日本語を常用しているので、日本語又は翻訳しやすい英語による文章が歓迎されます )

Junior high school students are mainly, here. As for them, only a few can speak English.( ここにいるのは、主に中学生です。彼らは英語を少ししか話せません )


Japan is midnight now.



What do especially you like, in Rumiko TAKAHASHI's work ? for exsample, Ususei-Yatsura(LUM), Maison-Ikkoku, Ranma1/2, Inu-yasya, so on.


I like especially Urusei-yatsura(LUM) and a Series of mermaid, in the Rumiko Takahashi work. Favorite Characters in Urusei-yatsura are Lum and nozomi. In Maison-Ikkoku, Ibuki. In Ranma1/2, Akane. In Inu-yasha, Kikyou.


Inuyasha(Animation) is broadcast on Monday night in Japan.


How has inu-yasha spread, in your country?


There is a genuine one and imitation is also, in the cell-drawing sent by the auction of Yahoo!. It is possible to reproduce cell-drawing using an original picture. What that is reproduced secretly, may be dealt in auction.


There are the specialty store of the used-anime-goods in Akihabara, Shibuya, Nakano, so on. But, you must look for goods perseverance, and some are in the premium price. Because, japanese fans purchase goods like excessive eating rats, too.

Satoshi ARAI ( arai@luminet.jp )